In the next step you'll learn how to configure Sever Identity & Group settings.
Native installation gives you most control over Storm Streaming Server performance and behavior. In order for Storm software to work you’ll need a Java Virtual Machine. There are many vendors like OpenJDK or Oracle you can choose from. The only requirement is that specific VM is compatible with Java 17.
Let’s check if Java Virtual Machine is present on your system
java -version
(for Windows please use PowerShell/Command Prompt)
Storm Streaming Server can be downloaded from My Products/Download page and comes as the compressed zip file. Please uncompress it into a desired location (we suggest something within /home or /srv directories). The package contains:
StormStreamingServer.jar | Main server file (jar library). |
config/log4j2.xml | XML file containing log4j2 configuration. |
config/preferences.xml | XML containing server configuration. |
log | Default folder for storing logs. |
license/storm-license.key | License key (it will be updated by the server itself). |
license/storm-pubic.key | Public license key. |
scripts/ | Startup script for Linux/MacOS. |
scripts/ | Stop script for Linux/MacOS. |
scripts/startup_win.bat | Startup script for Windows. |
scripts/shutdown_win.bat | Stop script for Windows. |
Before starting the server for the first time please edit file (startup_win.bat for Windows based operating system) from scripts directory. The file looks as follow:
echo "Storm Streaming Server :: Startup Script"
# Check if Java is installed and get the version
if ! JAVA_VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1); then
echo "Java is not installed on this system. Please install Java 17+ like OpenJDK or Oracle JDK to run this application."
exit 1
JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo "$JAVA_VERSION" | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)
# Check if Java major version is 17
if [ "$JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge "17" ]; then
# Force shutdown of any existing instances
pkill -9 -f "StormStreamingServer.jar"
cd "$(dirname "$0")"/..
echo "Starting new Storm Streaming Server instance..."
java -server -Xmx16g -Xms8g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -jar "StormStreamingServer.jar" &
echo "This application requires Java 17+ to run! Please update your Java JDK."
exit 1
The script will automatically check if Java is present in our system and kill all previous instances of the sever. We’ll have to edit some parameters before we can properly launch the server (these are also present in startup_win.bat version).
-Xmx16g |
JVM parameter controlling the maximum amount of RAM memory can be allocated to
JVM. The amount shouldn’t exceed ¾ of the total RAM In your system.
You can replace the value with any number according to this pattern: -XmxYZ, where Y is the number of Z (g – gigabytes, m -megabytes) Example: 32g, 64g, 128g |
-Xms8g |
JVM parameter controlling the minimal amount of RAM memory allocated to the JVM.
This number shouldn’t be lower than ¼ of the -Xmx parameter
You can replace the value with any number according to this pattern: -XmxYZ, where Y is the number of Z (g – gigabytes, m -megabytes) Example: 8g, 16g, 32g |
In this case, the script will automatically navigate to the parent directory and execute the .jar file located there, which is the main file of the server application. The application will attempt to find the config directory at this location to retrieve the appropriate configuration. It is possible to specify root location with an optional parameter -configRootDIR, as shown below.
java -server -Xmx16g -Xms8g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -jar "StormStreamingServer.jar" -configRootDIR /home/storm &
In order to start the server, just execute the start script file.
chmod 775 /srv/storm/scripts/
There is also a pair of scripts for shutting server down
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