In the next step you'll learn more about available events in Library Events guide.
Adding an observer consists in calling the function stormLibrary.addObserver(observer), where an observer is the class that implements the StormLibraryObserver protocol.
In the example below, we implemented the onVideoConnecting() and onVideoPlay() methods causing the console to display "connecting" message when Storm Library connects to the Storm server, and "play" when starting video playback.
class StormImpl : StormLibraryObserver{
public var stormLibrary : StormLibrary
init() {
stormLibrary = StormLibrary()
stormLibrary.addStormMediaItem(stormMediaItem: StormMediaItem(host: "", port: 443, isSSL: true, applicationName: "live", streamName: "test_hd", label: "720p", isSelected: true))
func onVideoConnecting() {
func onVideoPlay() {
A full list of events can be found in Library Events section and Video Events section.
In order to detach (remove) an event listener (observer) just use:
In the next step you'll learn more about available events in Library Events guide.
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