In the next step you'll learn more about available playback events in Video Events guide.
Library events are related to the player behaviors (not the video/stream itself).
Event name | Parameters | Description |
onIncompatiblePlayerProtocol(int playerProtocolVersion, int serverProtocolVersion) |
playerProtocolVersion – protocol version supported by this
StormLibrary. serverProtocolVersion – protocol version supported by Storm Streaming Server instance. |
Invoked when the existing version of the Storm Library is not compatible with the Storm server. It is then recommended to upgrade both to the latest version. |
onVolumeChanged(float volume) | volume – new video volume. | Invoked in case of volume change. |
onStormMediaItemAdded(StormMediaItem stormMediaItem) | stormMediaItem – new StormMediaItem item. | Invoked when new StormMediaItem was added to the playback list. |
onStormMediaItemRemoved(StormMediaItem stormMediaItem) | stormMediaItem – removed StormMediaItem item. | Invoked when StormMediaItem item was removed from the playback list. |
onStormMediaItemSelect(StormMediaItem stormMediaItem) | stormMediaItem – selected StormMediaItem item. | Invoked when StormMediaItem was selected for playback. |
onStormMediaItemPlay(StormMediaItem stormMediaItem) | stormMediaItem – StormMediaItem item initiated for playback. | Invoked when the selected StormMediaItem is started for playback. |
onGatewayConnecting() | - | Invoked on the Gateway server request start. |
onGatewayConnectionError(Exception e) | e – Exception related to connection error. | Invoked on the Gateway server request error. |
onGatewayGroupNameNotFound() | - | Invoked whenever a stream group is not found on the Gateway server. |
onGatewayStormMediaItems(List<StormMediaItem> stormMediaItems) | stormMediaItems – List of stormMediaItems acquired from the Gateway server. | Invoked whenever the Gateway server successfully retrieves a stream group. |
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