Introduction – Storm Streaming Cloud
What is Storm Streaming Cloud?
Storm Streaming Cloud is a real-time streaming service based on Storm Streaming Server
technology, which enables broadcasting audio-video transmissions with delays of less than one
second worldwide. This service was created for those who want to create video content but do
not have their own server and network infrastructure.
Storm Streaming Cloud is managed through a dedicated panel, which, in addition to management
functions, also offers access to real-time statistics. Operating Storm Streaming Cloud is very
easy and does not require technical or programming knowledge.
Table of Contents
Quick Start - A quick guide that shows how to create,
configure, and publish a video broadcast using OpenBroadcaster.
Tutorials - A section dedicated to tutorials for Storm Streaming
Creating a Broadcast - A detailed description of the
process of creating a live broadcast.
Themes & Customization - A guide on creating themes
and customizing the player for your own video broadcasts.
Embedding the Player - A guide explaining how to add
a video broadcast created in Storm Streaming Cloud to your own website.
Restream - A section describing the process of
restreaming the stream to other video platforms:
YouTube - Detailed instructions on how to
copy the stream from Storm Streaming Cloud to YouTube.
- Facebook - Detailed instructions on how
to copy the stream from Storm Streaming Cloud to the social network
Stream Ingest - Instructions for installing the server
using the Docker platform:
OpenBroadcaster (OBS) - Description of the
connection setup and video settings for Storm Streaming Cloud.
Xsplit Broadcaster - Description of the
connection setup and settings for XSplit Broadcaster for Storm Streaming
Larix Broadcaster - Description of the
connection setup and settings for Larix Broadcaster for Storm Streaming
- FFMPEG - Description of the connection
setup and settings for FFMPEG for Storm Streaming Cloud.
Third-party Players - A section containing tutorials
for third-party web video players:
JWPlayer - Instructions on configuring
JWPlayer with Storm Streaming Cloud.
FlowPlayer - Instructions on configuring
JWPlayer with Storm Streaming Cloud.
- VideoJS - Instructions on configuring
VideoJS with Storm Streaming Cloud.
RESTful-API - A section containing documentation dedicated to
the RESTful API:
RESTful Basics - Fundamentals of RESTful API and
configuration of authorization on the side of Storm Streaming Cloud.
Stream Management - A description of the API
dedicated to stream management.
Next Step
For the next step we suggest to take a look on
Start guide.