For the next step please check our Storm JavaScript Audio Settings guide where you’ll learn about volume control.
In this guide, you will get to know all the configuration options for managing the video element.
const streamConfig = {
stream: {
... // stream settings
settings: {
... // general settings
video: {
scalingMode: "fill",
containerID: "container",
aspectRatio: "16:9",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Default | Description |
scalingMode | string | No | fill |
The provided value describes how the video should be scaled relative to its
internal container. Possible values are:
aspectRatio | string | Yes for StormLibrary, No for StormPlayer | - | This enforces the appropriate aspect ratio between the width and height of the video object relative to its parent container (parameter containerID). A valid parameter consists of two numbers separated by a colon, for example, "16:9" or "4:3". When calculating the aspect ratio, the value from the "width" parameter will be taken as the base value. Use with “fill” scaling Mode for best results. |
containerID | string | no | - | The ID of the HTML page's DOM element where the video object is to be created. |
width | string | number | No | 100% |
The width/height of the video element can be specified in the following ways:
height |
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