API Methods - Storm JavaScript Player

Method Returns Return type Description
initialize() - void Starts the player. This method will be called automatically by the constructor unless wait parameter in the constructor has been set to false.
getInstanceID() Instance ID number number The method returns instance ID of the player.
getLibrary() StormLibrary Object StormLibrary The method returns main StormLibrary object used by the player.
setPlayerConfig(config:StormPlayerConfig) - void Updates player config.
setStreamConfig(config:StormStreamConfig) - void Updates stream config.
setSize(width:number | string, height:number | string) - void The method sets a new width and height for the player. The values can be given as a number (in which case they are treated as the number of pixels), or as a string ending with "px" (this will also be the number of pixels) or "%", where the number is treated as a percentage of the parent container's value.
setWidth(width:number | string) - void The method sets a new width for the player. The value can be given as a number (in which case it is treated as the number of pixels), or as a string ending with "px" (this will also be the number of pixels) or "%", where the number is treated as a percentage of the parent container's value.
setHeight(height:number | string) - void The method sets a new height for the player. The value can be given as a number (in which case it is treated as the number of pixels), or as a string ending with "px" (this will also be the number of pixels) or "%", where the number is treated as a percentage of the parent container's value.
getWidth() Player width number Returns player width in pixels.
getHeight() Player height number Returns player height in pixels.
setTitle(title:string) - void The method allows to specify the title displayed in the upper-right corner of the player.
setSubtitle(subtitle:string) - void The method allows to specify the subtitle displayed in the upper-right corner of the player (below the title).
getPlayerConfig() Object containing player settings Object This method returns an object containing all player preferences (related to its GUI).
addCuePoint(title:string, time:number) - void This method adds a CUE point to the player timeline with a given title.
removeCuePoint(time:number) - void This method removes a CUE point based on its time.
addEventListener(eventName:string, callback:function) - void Registers an event with the player object. Whenever a registered event occurs, player will call a predefined function provided.
removeEventListener(eventName:string, callback:function) - void Removes event listener from the player.
Table 1. API methods table.
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API Methods